Photo's, Miniatures, and More.. OHMY!

Hello Readers,

My apologies for not posting during GENCON, first I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed, and second I honestly had no time, when I thought I did, I had no internet. When I got back to the hotel, I just fell down and passed out… and after maybe 4 or 5 hours was up and at it again. I have to buy new shoes, I swear I wore the tread right off of these. 

GENCON is amazing, there is something about this convention that is like no other. There is an attitude of friendliness and welcoming by everyone you meet. The City of Indianapolis is also fantastic, they treat you as if you are special and are wanted there, no one had a negative thing to say about two-hundred-thousand plus gamer’s invading their city.  I had a great time.. and now that I have had some time to recoup I am ready to share some FALLEN FRONTIER news with you.

We set up in the miniature hall both Friday and Saturday in the Yellow Section (Yellow 35/36), not too far from the BIG RED Shirt. If you were there you know what I am talking about. We got a chance to meet a few interested people and show them the game as well as the miniatures, terrain and game mat. Sunday was the day of Shopping and relaxing some, as we were winding down and exhausted from the three days prior. Thursday was the get acquainted, figure stuff out, and explore day.

I left flyers on our tables and here and there in hopes of getting the word out, I saw on the old KS page that someone found one… so I guess it worked to some extent. But that is not what you want to hear, you want to know about the game and when it will be relaunched and where…

Well, this Autumn sometime in October is our goal and what we are shooting for, but there are a few things to work out prior, and we are hard at work getting them done. I want to be clear that we have a target, but as nothing is ever certain I cant nail it down to a day yet, but think of it this way you have all of September to save up and prepare for the reboot! As for where that is still a subject of debate, we have it down to two options back to Kickstarter, or on IndieGoGo. As the date approaches I will be sure to inform you where and when precisely it will be. Please comment and share where you would like it to be rebooted and why. 

On my Fallen Frontiers Support Group on Facebook, I have added a bunch of pictures, and how the game plays as well as some sample cards, I will try to get that info over here as well… I understand some people don’t like or want to be part of facebook, and that’s fine, I can use my blog as another source to inform you. 

Here are a few photos of Fallen Frontiers at GENCON. ( Friday  Green tables 15/16 )

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Here are a couple pictures of card samples.



Here are some pictures of Saturday ( Yellow Tables 35/36 )

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And here is some pictures of the character cards.

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More coming soon.. so stay tuned!

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